June 2018
Maritech International (Athens, GR) purchase AutoChart for AutoCAD licence after a series of leases.
May 2018
Prysmian (Chelmsford, UK) add to their quota of AutoChart for AutoCAD licences.
April 2018
Next Geosolutions (UKCS) (Norwich, UK) purchase AutoChart for AutoCAD for the UK office.
February 2018
Shell Norway (Stavanger, NO) purchase VisualGIS Server to enable access to internal users and external sub-contractors to their Digital Video data store. Additional implementation in Azure cloud in
Q2 2018.
TechnipFMC (Paris, FR) purchase VisualGIS Server
with additional integration with Geocortex.
NKT (Rotterdam, NL) purchase additional AutoChart for AutoCAD and ArcGIS licences to support their rapid growth.
January 2018
Allseas (Delft, NL) purchase AutoChart for AutoCAD and ArcGIS Network licence for office based GIS and charting deliverables creation.
December 2017
Total Angola (Luanda, AO) purchase VisualGIS Server to enable web browser access to their corporate digital video data store.
CCC S.A.L (Abu Dhabi, UAE) upgrade existng AutoChart for AutoCAD 'Lite' licence to AutoChart for AutoCAD full licence for larger projects.
October 2017
Alpine Ocean (Norwood NJ, US) upgrade existng AutoChart for AutoCAD licence to include AutoChart for ArcGIS for US Wind Farm work.
DOF Brazil (Sao Paulo, BR) purchase second AutoChart for AutoCAD licence following successful implementation of 1st licence.
September 2017
South China Sea Marine Engineering Centre, State Oceanic Administration (Guangzhou, CN) upgrade existng AutoChart for AutoCAD licence to include AutoChart for ArcGIS.
August 2017
DeepOcean UK (Darlington, UK) purchase additional AutoChart for AutoCAD Network licence.
Projects 46 (Bungay, UK) purchase AutoChart for AutoCAD licence.
July 2017
Fugro Singapore (Singapore, SG) purchase 2 additional AutoChart for AutoCAD licences.
DOF Brazil (Sao Paulo, BR) purchase first AutoChart for AutoCAD
June 2017
Nordstream 2 (Zug, CH) purchase VisualGIS Server to enable web browser access to existing UXO video and stills and to be ready for
an exponential increase in video datasets from the installation and asset management operations into the future.
December 2016
Saudi Aramco (Dharan, SA) purchase multiple perpetual AutoChart Full Standalone licences and undertake web-based training.
DeepOcean (Darlington, UK) purchase additional perpetual AutoChart Full Network licence.
October 2016
Deep BV (Amsterdam, NL) purchase a perpetual AutoChart Full Standalone licence following successful lease.
June 2016
South China Sea Marine Engineering Centre, State Oceanic Administration (Guangzhou, CN) purchase a perpetual AutoChart Full Standalone licence.
May 2016
Dawood Engineering Consultancy (Muscat, OM) purchase a perpetual AutoChart Full Standalone licence following a series of successful leases.
March 2016
Bintang Subsea (Jakarta, ID) purchase a perpetual AutoChart Full Standalone licence.
February 2016
Fugro OSAE (Bremen, DE) host a 3 day AutoChart and AutoLisp training programme to understand and further customise AutoChart’s functionality for their own processes.
December 2015
Siem Offshore Contractors (Leer, DE) purchase a perpetual AutoChart Full Standalone licence.
November 2015
Statoil ASA (Stavanger, NO) Site Acceptance Testing (SAT) as part of the implementation of a web-based Digital Video Visualisation Platform utilising VisualGIS Server.
October 2015
Next Geosolutions (Naples, IT) purchase three perpetual Full Standalone licences following a series of successful lease trials.
C&C Technologies Asia Pacific (Singapore, SG) purchase a perpetual AutoChart Full Standalone licence.
September 2015
Wintershall Norge AS (Stavanger, NO) purchase VisualGIS Server to enable ROV Digital Video access in a Browser across the organisation.
July 2015
Gardline Marine Sciences (Great Yarmouth, UK) purchase a perpetual AutoChart Full Standalone licence after a successful three month lease trial.
April 2015
ABB Benelux (Rotterdam, NL) purchase an AutoChart Full Standalone licence.
March 2015
Statoil ASA (Stavanger, NO) purchase VisualGIS Server and HydroGIS Full Network licence to make digital video and accompanying survey data available across the Statoil
Network via a Web Browser.
February 2015
Fugro Survey Pte (Singapore, SG) purchase two AutoChart Full Standalone licences.
iSurvey (Singapore, SG) purchase an AutoChart Full Standalone licence.
GeoTeam Srl (Rome, IT) purchase two Full Standalone AutoChart licences after leasing the product for a successive number of individual projects.
December 2014
Bibby Remote Intervention Limited (Aberdeen, UK) purchase an AutoChart Full Standalone licence after leasing the product for a series of discrete projects.
September 2014
Hydrokaji Survey Sdn. Bhd. (Kuala Lumpur, MY) purchase an AutoChart Full Standalone licence.
July 2014
Utec US Inc (Houston, TX) purchase two further Full Standalone AutoCharts licence to augment their suite of licences.
Utec Australia (Perth, AU) purchase a further Full Standalone AutoChart licence to augment their suite of licences across the APAC region.
PTSC Geos & Subsea Services (Vung Tau City, VN) purchase their first Full Standalone AutoChart licence.
June 2014
Prysmian Powerlink (Eastleigh, UK) purchase an AutoChart ‘Lite’ Standalone licence for their office.
May 2014
KW Subsea (Woking, UK) lease long term AutoChart Network licence.
South China Sea Marine Engineering Surveying Center (Guangzhou, CN) purchase AutoChart Network licence.
April 2014
Utec (Houston, US) purchase a AutoChart Full Standalone licence increasing their suite of AutoChart products still further.
Saipem (Baku, AZ) purchase an AutoChart licence for upcoming Caspian survey operations.
DOF Subsea (Bergen, NO) purchase HydroGIS licences to enable fast creation of GIS deliverables for their clients.
Utec (Aberdeen, UK) purchase a further AutoChart Full Standalone licence to supplement their suite of licences.
March 2014
Nautronix (Aberdeen, UK) purchase a further AutoChart Full Standalone licence to supplement their suite of licences.
February 2014
Saipem (Baku, AZ) purchase a VisualGIS licence for Caspian operations together with a VisualGIS training programme.
PT Pageo Utama (Jakarta, ID) purchase a second AutoChart Full Standalone licence.
iSurvey (Billingstad, Oslo, NO) complete a 3 day AutoChart training programme.
December 2013
Fugro Singapore (Singapore, SG) lease 2 long term AutoChart licences for cable route chart production.
Bibby Remote Intervention Limited (Aberdeen, UK) purchase an entire ESRI ArcGIS suite including ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Online together with VisualGIS.
Hurricane Geo Inspection (Kuala Lumpur, MY) purchase two AutoChart ‘Lite’ Standalone licences.
November 2013
Utec Survey (Houston, TX) purchase a further AutoChart Full Standalone licence to supplement their extensive suite of licences.
Danish Geotechnical Institute (Lyngby, DK) purchase an AutoChart Full Standalone licence.
BP Exploration OpCo (Sunbury-on-Thames, UK) purchase two VisualGIS licences.
September 2013
GeoTeam Srl (Rome, IT) purchase an AutoChart Full Standalone licence after a series of lease trial periods.
August 2013
McGregor Geosciences (Bedford, NS CA) purchase an AutoChart Full Standalone licence.
July 2013
First Institute of Oceanography (Qingdao, CN) purchase AutoChart Network licence.
Ramboll (Copenhagen, DK) purchase AutoChart Standalone licence after successful trial to automate production of hundreds of Cable Array charts.
May 2013
Halul Offshore (Doha, QA) purchase VisualGIS licence.
Fugro South Africa (Cape Town, SA) purchase VisualGIS licence for Anadarko Mozambique project.
Asian Geos (Kuala Lumpur, MY) purchase multiple AutoChart licences.
Prysmian (Chelmsford, UK) purchase AutoChart 'Lite' licence.
McGregor GeoScience (Bedford, CA) purchase AutoChart Standalone licence.
April 2013
Osiris Projects (Birkenhead, UK) purchase AutoChart Network licence.
Thien Nam Positioning (Vung Tau City, VN) purchase AutoChart Standalone licence.
March 2013
Utec Survey (Houston, US) purchase additional AutoChart Standalone licence.
Utec Survey & Nautronix (Aberdeen, UK) take Wish Software's bespoke ArcGIS for Hydrographic Survey training courses.
February 2013
Orogenic GeoExpro (Kuala Lumpur, MY) purchase additional AutoChart Standalone licence.
Utec Survey (Naples, IT) purchase initial AutoChart Standalone licence.
Nautronix (Aberdeen, UK) purchase additional AutoChart Standalone Licence.
Specialist Subsea Services (Aberdeen, UK) purchase additional AutoChart Standalone Licence.
Locatech Services (Douala, CM) purchase initial AutoChart Standalone licence.
December 2012
Subsea 7 (Aberdeen, UK) purchase additional AutoChart Standalone licence.
November 2012
Seafish (Hull, UK) purchase HydroGIS Network licence to import KIS data into ArcGIS.
October 2012
Dragon Prince Hydro ( Kaohsiung, TW) purchase an AutoChart Standalone Licence.
DOF Subsea (Perth, AU) purchases additional AutoChart Network licence.
Utec Survey (Houston, US) purchases additional AutoChart Standalone licence.
TL Geohydrographics (Kuala Lumpur, MY) purchase additional AutoChart Standalone licence.
Subsea 7 (Rio de Janeiro, BR) purchase first AutoChart Standalone licence.
September 2012
Subsea 7 (Paris, FR) purchase additional AutoChart Network licence.
August 2012
JP Kenny (London, UK) purchase multiple VisualGIS licences to support BP Angola First Oil project.
July 2012
Seafish (Hull, UK) engage Wish Software in ArcGIS customisation work to support their KISORCA project.
May 2012
Horizon Survey (Sharjah, UAE) purchase 4 VisualGIS network licences for clients ADMA and ZADCO in the UAE.
CSA International (Florida, US) purchases VisualGIS licence for environmental monitoring project in the Gulf of Mexico.
April 2012
Fugro Pelagos (San Diego, US) purchase 2 AutoChart Licences for cable projects after successful rental period.
Nautronix (Aberdeen, UK) purchase 2 AutoChart Licences to utilise on long term North Sea project.
March 2012
Andrews Survey (Aberdeen, UK) purchases additional AutoChart licence to augment their suite of Wish Software products.
February 2012
Seascape Surveys (Jakarta, ID) purchase AutoChart Licence after successful test project.
Subsea 7 (Paris, FR) purchase additional AutoChart Network licence.
January 2012
Subsea 7 (Aberdeen, UK) purchase additional AutoChart Licence.
Utec Survey (Singapore, SG) purchase additional AutoChart licence to add to their licence count in the APAC region.
December 2011
Woodside Energy (Perth, AU) purchase VisualGIS Network Licence.
Utec Survey (Aberdeen, UK) purchase additional AutoChart licence to supplement their existing suite of products.
NPCC (Abu Dhabi, UAE) purchase 2 additional AutoChart licence to further complement their significant AutoChart licence pool.
November 2011
Pageo Utama (Jakarta, ID) purchase AutoChart licence after successful rental period.
Orogenic GeoExpro (Kuala Lumpur, MY) purchase additional AutoChart Network licence for office based charting.
Fugro Pelagos (San Diego, US) utilise AutoChart on several cable projects.
October 2011
Subsea 7 (Macaé, BR) engages Wish Software to develop bespoke span sheet automation tool (10,000 sheets) for Petrobras project.
Offshore Marine Management (Cambridge, UK) purchase VisualGIS licence for wind farm cable inspection.
September 2011
Utec Survey (Singapore, SG) purchases AutoChart licence for ongoing construction support work.
August 2011
Utec Survey (Aberdeen, UK) purchases AutoChart licence for ongoing construction support work.
July 2011
Fugro OSAE (Bremen, DE) engages Wish Software to develop bespoke Cross Profile automation tool (16,000 sheets) for Nordstream project.
June 2011
CCC S.A.L (Abu Dhabi, UAE) purchases AutoChart licence.
TL Geohydrographics (Kuala Lumpur, MY) purchase additional AutoChart Network licence for office based charting.
Gems Survey (Devizes, UK) purchase additional AutoChart licence complementing their existing suite of AutoChart products.
April 2011
Maritime Institute of Gdansk (Gdansk, PL) purchase 2 AutoChart licences.
Gems Survey (Devizes, UK) purchase additional AutoChart licence complementing their existing suite of AutoChart products.
February 2011
NPCC (Abu Dhabi, UAE) purchase full suite of GIS Software - VisualGIS, HydroGIS and ArcView licences. To complement this investment a comprehensive GIS training program is put in place.
January 2011
Utec Survey (Perth, AU) purchases AutoChart licence for Australian office.
Fugro OSAE (Bremen, DE) purchase additional AutoChart Network licences for use in the Bremen hub.
December 2010
TL Geohydrographics (Kuala Lumpur, MY) purchase 4 AutoChart licences to revolutionise charting capability within the organisation.
Calegeo (Norfolk, UK) purchase AutoChart 'Lite' licence to facilitate Site Survey charting work following a series of successful rentals.
Pageo Utama (Jakarta, ID) utilises AutoChart on Pipeline Inspection projects.
November 2010
Horizon Survey (Sharjah, UAE) purchase VisualGIS for Pipeline Inspection contract.
October 2010
Subsea 7 (Aberdeen, UK) purchases additional AutoChart licence.
September 2010
Horizon Survey (Sharjah, UAE) purchase additional AutoChart for Pipeline Inspection contract.
France Telecom (Paris, FR) purchase additional AutoChart for Postlay Cable Charting.
May 2010
Geomatics Data Solutions (Vancouver, CA) purchase AutoChart licence for cable survey projects.
Subsea 7 (Aberdeen, UK) purchases additional AutoChart licence.
April 2010
Acergy (Paris, FR) puchases additional AutoChart Network licence to cater for increased charting workload.
March 2010
Sonsub (Aberdeen, UK) purchases AutoChart licence for Pipeline Inspection Chart production.
February 2010
Fugro Singapore (Singapore, SG) utilises AutoChart on a number of cable route survey projects.
Sonsub (Aberdeen, UK) purchases VisualGIS and ArcGIS licences along with GIS training for long term pipeline inspection project.
January 2010
Five Oceans Services (Leer, DE) utilises AutoChart on power cable projects.
Subsea International (Aurland, NO) purchases VisualGIS licence.
December 2009
Allseas (Delft, NL) purchases VisualGIS licence.
November 2009
Marin Mätteknik (Gothenburg, SE) takes AutoCAD Lisp course for advanced charting automation.
HydroConsult (Paris, FR) utilise AutoChart on a number of cable projects.
October 2009
iSurvey (Oslo, NO) purchase AutoChart licence for pipeline inspection project.
iXSurvey (Edinburgh, UK) utilise AutoChart on a number of projects in the Caspian.
September 2009
Global Marine Systems (Chelmsford, UK) purchases additional AutoChart licence after successful implementation of first licence in Rotterdam in July.
August 2009
Tyco Telecommunications (Madrid, ES) purchases additional AutoChart licence to cover increased workload in Madrid office.
Offshore Analysis & Research Solutions (Austin, US) adds AutoChart to their hydrographic service division toolset to enable fast turnaround of charting projects.
July 2009
Global Marine Systems (Chelmsford, UK) purchases AutoChart licence for long term cable project in Rotterdam.
Geoscience Earth & Marine Services Inc (Houston, US) purchases AutoChart Network licence for office based plat and alignment sheet production.
June 2009
DOF Subsea UK (Aberdeen, UK) UK purchases an additional AutoChart licence, continuing to augment their significant AutoChart software licence tally.
Marin Mätteknik (Gothenburg, SE) adds to their complement of AutoChart licences with a further AutoChart licence and undertake software training for new staff members.
TAQA Bratani (Aberdeen, UK) contracts Wish Software to implement a corporate ESRI ArcGIS solution including the provision of hydrographic ArcGIS training along with VisualGIS for emergency response and pipeline integrity management.
Acergy (Aberdeen, UK & Stavanger, NO) migrates to AutoChart across the company following a successful evaluation period.
May 2009
BP (Baku, AZ) purchases additional VisualGIS licence and updates staff GIS skills with 2 day Wish Software targeted Hydrographic Survey ESRI ArcGIS training course.
Geomatics Data Solutions (Vancouver, CA) purchases AutoChart licence.
Explorer Marine (Copenhagen, DK) contracts Wish Software for the update of alignment charts with cable As-Laid data. Explorer Marine go on to purchase an AutoChart Network Licence.
Shell (Aberdeen, UK) completes implementation of VisualGIS with the rollout of VisualGIS for the Ormen Lange Pipeline.
Neptune (Akureyri, IS) purchases VisualGIS licence.
April 2009
PT. Geomahakarsa (Jakarta, ID) upgrades AutoChart 'Lite' licence to Full Licence to enable chart production for larger Pipeline Inspection projects.
March 2009
Acergy (Paris, FR) purchases additional office based AutoChart Network licence for creation of Pipeline Engineering charts.
NCS Survey (Aberdeen, UK) & DOF Subsea (Aberdeen, UK) add to their complement of AutoChart licences.
February 2009
CTC Marine (Darlington, UK) contracts Wish Software for a 3 month charting project adding As-Laid data to Cable Alignment Sheets.
Neptune Geomatics (Perth, AU) purchases AutoChart licence after successful lease evaluation period.
January 2009
Utec Survey (Houston, US) purchases additional AutoChart licence.
Marin Mätteknik (Gothenburg, SE) adds to their complement of AutoChart licences with additional offshore based Standalone licence.
Global Remote Sensing (Seattle, US) purchases AutoChart licence to produce Cable Alignment sheets.
December 2008
France Telecom (Paris, FR) purchases AutoChart to facilitate addition of Cable Lay Data to PreLay charts.
November 2008
Gems Survey (Devizes, UK) purchases additional AutoChart licences for a range of cable projects worldwide.
October 2008
Global Remote Sensing (Seattle, US) contracts Wish Software to provide charting services for a further Pacific Cable Project.
Acergy (Paris, FR) completes AutoChart evaluation period and purchases the AutoChart software.
DOF Subsea (Perth, AU) purchases additional AutoChart licence.
Marin Mätteknik (Gothenburg, SE) adds to their complement of AutoChart licences with additional office based Network licences.
Andrews Survey (Aberdeen, UK) purchases AutoChart licence along with a combination of ESRI ArcGIS and VisualGIS licences for project in Caspian.
September 2008
Gems Survey (Devizes, UK) implements AutoChart for a range of cable projects worldwide.
Utec Survey (Lowestoft, UK) leases 4 AutoChart licences for a cable project in the Mediterranean.
August 2008
Tyco Telecommunications (Madrid, ES) purchases AutoChart to facilitate addition of Cable Lay Data to PreLay charts created by wide range of survey companies.
Williamsons & Associates (Seattle, US) purchases multiple AutoChart licences to enable chart production for Cable Route Surveys.
Marin Mätteknik (Gothenburg, SE) adds to their complement of AutoChart licences with an office based Network licence.
July 2008
PT. Geomahakarsa (Jakarta, ID) purchases AutoChart 'Lite' for small Pipeline Inspection projects.
BP (Baku, AZ) purchases and implements VisualGIS to review Pipeline Inspection Data in the Caspian.
June 2008
Global Remote Sensing (Seattle, US) contracts Wish Software to provide charting services for Pacific Cable Project.
May 2008
Acergy (Paris, FR) migrates to AutoChart for a project in the Congo and leverages huge chart creation time savings and clear final deliverable quality improvements.
NPCC (Abu Dhabi, AE) purchases additional AutoChart licences.
April 2008
Shell (Aberdeen, UK) successfully completes pilot project for use of VisualGIS on the Ormen Lange project.
Oceanteam Subsea Services (Aberdeen, UK) becomes another new AutoChart customer.
NCS Survey (Aberdeen, UK) & Orogenic GeoExpro (Kuala Lumpur, MY) add to their complement of AutoChart licences.
March 2008
Oceanteam Power & Umbilical (Norwich, UK) purchases multiple VisualGIS licences.
Artec Subsea (Aurland, NO) takes on AutoChart to complement their existing EIVA online survey systems.
Utec Survey (Singapore, SG) acquires a combination of purchased and leased AutoChart licences to support their operations in India and Thailand.
Tyco Telecommunications (Morristown, US) contracts Wish Software to provide charting services for a Pacific Cable Project.
February 2008
Global Remote Sensing (Seattle, US) contracts Wish Software to provide charting services for an Alaskan Cable Project.
January 2008
Subsea 7 (Aberdeen, UK) completes purchase of a significant quantity of AutoChart licences.
Utec Survey (Houston, US) purchases additional AutoChart licences to facilitate Allseas Pipelay Operations.
December 2007
J P Kenny (London, UK) purchases AutoChart to utilise on several large Onshore Pipeline Engineering projects.